ILD 11


Frequently asked questions

Where can I find the nearest dealer?

Get an overview of dealers on the dealer map, all our dealers are listed here. ILD is sold through authorized dealers. At the ILD dealer you can see different models and get answers to questions about products and prices.

How long is the warranty period for ILD stoves?

The ILD stoves have a 5 year warranty. The stove must be installed in accordance with current laws and regulations and follow the installation instructions that come with the product. Contact your dealer for more information.

What does Clean burn mean?

Clean burn means that the stove has a double combustion system that converts up to 90% of gases and particles in the smoke into heat. The wood stove produces minimal of emissions, as the it uses the energy to create heat instead of smoke. It also means that you can almost halve the wood consumption if you replace an old stove with an ILD wood stove.

Can I replace my old wood stove when I buy a new one?

Contact your dealer for information on what they can do to help you with the old wood stoves that need to be replaced.

What is the requirement for distance to combustible material?

When testing, a minimum distance to combustible material is measured. Our requirement for distance to combustible material can be found in our manuals.

What are the requirements when it comes to floor protection?

A wood stove that is placed on a combustible floor must always have a floor protection around the stove in steel, slate, glass or similar. Here it is important to ensure that the floor protection complies with the law, both in terms of insulation and size.